Today, we’ve brought together four of our favorite panelists ahead of the new season of the hit KBC (Kitty Broadcasting Company) reality show Top Cat Chef: Kitties In The Kitchen. Over the years, Top Cat Chef has given us some of our favorite TV moments. It’s made us laugh, it’s made us cry, and sometimes, it’s even made us think about food!!! And let’s face it, if you can do that, then sure as shopping on Black Friday’s a nightmare, you’ll have a phenomenon on your paws.
You see, the latest figures from the Paw Research Center estimated that an incredible “99.9% of all cats eat food at some time or another” - the exception being a handful of super-duper size zero models (such as Clawdia Shortfur, Cindy Pawford and Meowmi Catbell), and the recently-launched AI-powered RoboCats, the status of which as ‘actual cats’ (and therefore relevance to purry polls and pollsters), is still hotly contested.
Beyond all that taste-bud tickling scrumptiousness though, Top Cat Chef is all about the drama. Episodes we’ve paw-ticularly loved over the years have included:
You’ve Gotta Be Kitting!...the one where special guest Kit Kardashian admitted she’d never made a cat food sandwich…
Sub-marine!...the one where Cordon Blue-Language placed two slices of a sub around a former Navy Seal’s head…
Impractical Yolkers!...the one where they set up a Pop Up Pussycat Pancake Parlour but forgot to buy any eggs…
A Right Dog’s Dinner!…the one where the judges labeled the finished food “so disgusting, we wouldn’t dish it up to a dirty dog.” Ouch.
So let’s see what our furriest, favoritest food panellists said when we asked them…
What are your go-to TV dinners?
Cordon Blue-Language: Bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep!!!!! (We were unable to print this comment for legal reasons).
Mewtha Stewart: It’s really quite simple. If I’m settling down with my beautiful family or perhaps some wholesome friends, the first thing I do is bring out the cat nip -
Tabby Flea (interrupting): Oh yes ma’am! You know, I love catnip. And well, I don’t mind the rest, but I always eat the best, meaning 78% nepetalactone and 100% natural. I’m talking, of course – yes, ma’am - about Cat Crack! So why not grab a free hit of Whiskerland’s favorite catnip right this minute!
Jewel-ear Kitten: Ze French, zey love ze catnip. C’est tres bien.
Editor: OK, since you all seem to want to talk about this, my next question is…
Can cats eat catnip?
Cordon Blue-Language: Bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep!!!!! (We were unable to print this comment for legal reasons).
Mewtha Stewart: It’s really quite simple. The catnip plant is one of Mother Nature’s most incredible inventions – it’s right up there with sleeping, being scratched behind the ears, and ignoring people when they’ve just come back from a holiday. Catnip is harmless, catnip is wholesome, so take a break, raise the flag, because catnip is just about the most Whiskerlandian thing you can possibly eat. (Starts singing). “Oh say, can you mew, by the cat flap each day –”
Cordon Blue-Language (interrupting): Bleep bleep bleep bleep Canada!!!!! (We were unable to print most of this comment for legal reasons).
Mewtha Stewart: It’s really quite simple: you’re right, some of the best cat nip does come from Canada. But Canada is a part of Whiskerland, dear.
Cordon Blue-Language: Bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep!!!!! (We were unable to print this comment for legal reasons).
Mewtha Stewart: That’s not what your wife said.
Tabby Flea: You know, I love catnip; yes, ma’am, I do. And you know why? Because it’s so very versatile - it really is my secret ingredient. You can serve it a dinner party, a working lunch, a cat crack house launch, anything, because whatever the occasion, cats can eat catnip - or they can roll in it, sniff it, fight it, rub at it, whatever you want – and it has a benefit for every moment, and every mood:
- It encourages exercise.
- It reduces anxiety.
- It alleviates boredom.
- It stimulates play and creative thinking.
- It soothes pain.
Remember, though, to always use the finest ingredients and always read the label: look for 78% nepetalactone potency and 100% natural ingredients. I recommend Cat Crack; it’s the best on the market - it really is! So why not try a free hit?
Jewel-ear Kitten: Do cats eat catnip? Well hello – bonjour! - Welcome to the 21st Century. Of course, ze cats eat ze catnip – zey have always eaten it, rolled in it, made love to it like it was a beautiful woman cat. Or man cat. We French are very liberated - what you get up to and with whom is of no consequence à moi. Pah! Vive La France!
Editor: Riiiiiight…
But is catnip bad for cats?
Cordon Blue-Language: Bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep!!!!! (We were unable to print this comment for legal reasons).
Mewtha Stewart: It’s really quite simple. Just say no. Not to catnip, but to the question: is catnip bad for cats? No. It’s not bad for cats. And if you think it is, then how do you think I got so vivacious, despite once again recently turning two in cat years? I use catnip daily - so does my wholesome family - and just look at my coat. Shiny huh? I have tons of kitty-licious recipe ideas over at my heavily sponsored, personally branded website, so grab an apron and -
Tabby Flea (interrupting): You know, I just love catnip, and one of the main reasons is it’s so darn not bad for cats. Especially, if I may say, if you purchase Cat Crack, the very best catnip on the market, boasting record-breaking potency levels of 78% nepetalactone, and that’s 100% natural too. But hey - don’t take my word for it, check out all the love here, or just head on over to w w w cat crack dot com, and -
Cordon Blue-Language (interrupting): Bleep advertising!!!!! (We were unable to print exactly half of this comment for legal reasons).
Tabby Flea: I just love catnip. That’s all.
Editor: OK, great -
Tabby Flea (interrupting): Especially Cat Crack.
Jewel-ear Kitten: Le catnip est tres bon.
Editor: OK, great, so catnip is not bad for cats. But can I clarify, for those who only speak English or cat…
Is catnip good for cats?
Cordon Blue-Language: Yes.
Editor: Cordon? Cordon? Are you OK?
Cordon Blue-Language: Yes.
Editor: Mewtha: is catnip good for cats?
Mewtha Stewart: It’s really quite simple: yes.
Tabby Flea: I’m gonna kick it up a notch. You know, I just love catnip. But is catnip good for cats? Yes ma’am. Especially the highest-rated around, and if you don’t believe me, just grab a free hit.
Cordon Blue-Language: Bleep bleep bleep, I’m going to come down there, and then you’ll bleep bleep bleep!!!!! (We were unable to print parts of this comment for legal reasons).
Editor: Jewel-ear: is catnip good for cats?
Jewel-ear Kitten: Oui – yes.