"You gotta fight….for your right…to pawwwwwwwwty!".Â
So sang The Beastly Cats, those New York Kitty hooligans that we were told would rot our brains and bring down cat civilization. No matter what your taste in mew-sic, though, there's no doubt that in these challenging times, our need to let off steam has never been greater, and what better way to do so than with a catnip party: a happy gathering fuelled by - and dedicated to - the holy herb!
The fact is that sometimes, life just gets in the way of what really matters. We're all busy. Given that the average cat has napping commitments of 16-20 hours per day, on top of which there is grooming to be done, laps to be sat on (humans can be incredibly needy), and carpets to ruin, it all leaves very little time for fun, games, and relaxation.Â
Perhaps you've simply forgotten how to enjoy yourself? Or maybe you're one of those holier-than-though abstainers who never learned how in the first place? Instead, when no one's looking, you spend your free time asking Kitty-Kat GPT questions like Why do cats like catnip? and What does catnip do to cats?
However, when it comes to catnip, whether you're a novice noob or a venerable veteran, there's simply no better way to jump off the wagon and (back) into the saddle than with a good old-fashioned get-down! So please read on for our…
Top Ten Tips: How to Host a Catnip Party!
1. Always Use the Best Catnip – Cat Crack!
First things first, if you're buying catnip for cats in order to host a catnip party, just forget the rest and get the best: Cat Crack! Cheap catnip is a false economy – it's a bit like decaf coffee or bad wine, and it is simply no fun at all. Cat Crack is guaranteed to get pussycats purring - and rolling and meowing - for more. Accept no substitutes! (Free hit).
2. Make People Welcome
I always say it's not a Cat Crack house; it's a Cat Crack home. A Cat Crack house is only as good as the vibe you create. It isn't about the bricks and mortar; it's about how welcome guests are made to feel. Send the right signal by inviting them to contribute to a pussycat party playlist – expect to hear classic floor-fillers like Mice Mice Baby, I Wanna Dance With Some Kitty, and Wake Me Up Before You Catnip. And then, do as you know you should, and share: me casa, su casa. Or rather, me catnip, su catnip. And that leads us to the next point.Â
3. Get Stocked Up
They always say don't get high on your own supply. Ignore that – just make sure there's plenty to go around. No cat nip is a cat-astrophe! Stock up on plenty of Cat Crack and some cat nip infused treats and toys for variety. Don't forget bowls of water - getting off your little furry rocker is thirsty work - and some feline-friendly fur d'oeuvres: personally, I'm rather partial to tuna crunchies.Â
4. Invite All Your Best Buds – and Some Randoms
What's a party without your pussycat pals? Invite your closest furriends for guaranteed fun, but don't forget to mix it up a bit. Throw in a few random kitties from the neighborhood. That tabby who growls at you? Let bygones be bygones and invite her in. That young ginger who always sniffs your butt? Just imagine he doesn't know better and get him along. New faces keep things interesting, and with the help of the social elixir that is Cat Crack, soon, everyone will have broadened their horizons, before falling into a well-deserved sleep.
5. Provide Scratching Pads
When everyone's riding a nip wave and rushing their whiskers off, scratching pads and posts are highly recommended to keep claws busy and save your sofa. If you're wondering how to get any reluctant cats to use scratching posts, the secret is simple: sprinkle on a little Cat Crack. It's like a magnet for the claws!
6. Provide Tweaking Toys
Question: When high on Cat Crack, what toys tickle a cat's fancy day and night? Answer: catnip toys! Yes, please!Â
7. Provide Other Toys – EG Ping Pong Balls
In addition to tweaking toys, don't forget the classics like ping-pong balls. They're lightweight and easy to bat around, and with that crazy sound they make, they're oh-so-much fun for the blissed-out mind! Your guests will just love chasing them about, imagining they're mice—a great way to burn off some excess energy.
8. Provide Visuals – EG Laser Pens
Laser pens are a must-have at any catnip party. That unpredictable red dot is endlessly entertaining, especially when you're under the influence of Cat Crack. So just make sure there's a human on laser duty at all times—there's nothing worse than a bunch of cats waiting for the dot that never comes.
9. Don't Over-do it – Always Catnip Responsibly
This point is so important that it's worth repeating: Catnip responsibly! Moderation is key to ensuring everyone has a good time without any negative side effects. Trust us, nobody wants to deal with a catnip hangover. Catnip is not toxic, so it won't poison cats—but it can make you feel a bit rubbish if you go overboard.
10. Create a Chill-out Zone
Even the most social felines need a break from the party scene. Set up a chill-out zone with cozy beds, snuggly blankets, and maybe a calming pheromone diffuser. This quiet area will be a haven for those who wish to swerve the action and just relax. Think of it as the kitty equivalent of a spa retreat and a Happy Tuesday pill rolled into one.
What is Catnip?
Finally, we always like to leave you with one for luck:
11. Education, education, education!
Catnip is a joy, so spread the word and help people understand. Catnip is a 100% natural and completely non-toxic herb from the cat mint family, containing numerous healthy nutrients, and its key ingredient: a special compound called nepetalactone, which mimics feelgood pheromones, enhances social bonding, and triggers a range of medicinal and lifestyle benefits. So, whilst a catnip party is about good times, it's also about good health and good friends. So 'crack' open a jar (free hit), and let's pawwwwwty!
Having a catnip party? Share your pics here.